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Sunday, 15 December 2013
Statement Sweaters: A Xmas Must or Bust ?
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Reem Adeeb
So statement sweaters are all the rage..I considered buying a "Homies" sweatshirt when I saw it at Urban Outfitters in NYC...and then I thought again. At my age, as trendy as I am...I certainly don't want someone tut tutting when they see me, muttering under their breath that they "...Pity the old her Homies sweatshirt"....
So this old trendy fool bought a "Comme ci Comme ca " sweatshirt from Whistles instead...and it reflects this state of mind perfectly.
But Christmas sweaters,with snowmen,Rudolf and the like???? Eeeekkkk!!! Nix that idea immediately fellow Frockanrolla's...I know my sister suggested that we should do it for our annual Xmas lunch at hers...the expense in buying ugly sweaters is enough to deter us and how stupid will we look ? I know my brother in law will shoot down that idea with barrels loaded,not to mention my guy:the coach who is always up for a laugh but who will draw a line to this tomfoolery.
I am all for "antler" headbands, a red nose...heck even earmuffs!! But there is something about these extremely colourful sweaters that make me want to drink Pepto bismol by the bucketfull.
So as Micheal Buble so aptly sings it : "All I want for Xmas is you...." not wearing a stupid Xmas themed sweater.
Mulled wine for everyone!!!