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Monday, 15 December 2014

Denmark's Cecilie Copenhagen:A New and Happening Designer

Thanks to my friend Ahmed. A ...I have become an Instagram addict...and that's a sincere thanks. It has opened my horizons and eyes and has led me to this fabulous new Danish designer:

Cecilie Copenhagen....who has this fabulous,eye opener collection of Keffiyeh cotton ...that takes Keffiyeh to a whole new level and not just as a "statement scarf" of the masses.
Don't get me wrong as a proud Palestinian, I wear mine with Panache ...but the use of this eponymous fabric has turned it into a must have collection.

The collection is vast and you have a choice of colours on Cecilie's online store as well as styles : short dress,long/short skirts/shorts/tops etc....

My only problem...and this is a conundrum: they only come in tiny sizes!!!!!!
Size 1: 34-36 EU
Size 2 : 38 EU.....
SERIOUSLY?.....Hmmmmmm???!!! Please don't tell me that Cecilie is a sizist? 
Sizes : 40 42 and yes a 44....are seriously neglected and only happen to be the healthy sizes for the general female population out there.
Haven't we been told by the lovely Meghan Trainor that it is "All about that Bass...no treble"? Huh? No truer words have been spoken.

Unless they size super big!!!.... I  shall remain a disappointed  bystander who will not  be able to purchase anything from Cecilie but  will have to content myself  to admire the pieces from afar and suggest to my young, lithe friends out there like lovely Stephanie and Mael B, gorgeous Melanie S in Miami...(and I could go on)...to check this out.


Available at retailers in Denmark,Belgium, Germany and at Browns in London: South Audley Street W1
